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Mission and Vision

Middle Spring Presbyterian Church - called together by God to worship, grow, and serve


To worship, we gather

to praise and glorify God

to be transformed by the Spirit

to forgive and to be forgiven

to witness to our faith in our triune God

to pray for guidance in our lives

as we meet life's challenges

and care for God's world and God's children

In worship, we experience God's presence inviting us to grow.  [Colossians 1:10]


To grow, we seek

to read the Bible for understanding and reflection

to learn about our Christian faith and Reformed tradition

to be open to new ways the truth is revealed in the world today

to share our faith journey with one another

to become more committed to Christ's mission

In growing, we hear God's invitation to respond and serve.  [John 17:18]


To serve, we reach out

to proclaim the good news of the saving grace of God

to share our blessings

to offer hope and comfort

to experience fellowship with others

to improve the lives of those in need around the world,

heeding Christ's call to "Tend my sheep."  [John 21:16]

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